sometimes I hate the gym
It was at the same time I was starting my first big professional job, I was coming out all over the place (gay-wise) and I decided it was time I started acting like a real gay man and become overly-obsessed with my body.
For about three years I worked out for about 20-45 minutes a couple of times a week. I'm sure it was good for me, but I really didn't see much of a change. Now that I'm in my new building I've started shooting for 60-90 minutes four times a week. It sucks, but I'm going to stick to it. I know I have to be patient to see real results, but I want to be hot now!!!
Clearly, I can be an impatient person and a lot of stuff gets on my nerves. Especially when it comes to the gym. Now, granted, I don't have to go to one of those big, huge gyms with tons and tons of equipment and all sorts of twats, and I do feel lucky about not having to deal with all that riff raff, but annoying things do happen even in my little workout room.
It's pretty small and has some free weights and some weight machines and junk, a stairmaster, an elliptical machine, a stationary bike, and three treadmills. That's it.
After a few months of really trying to work out a lot, I've started to feel infuriated with several specific things:
The chicks who use the elliptical machine with no resistance at all. Their limbs are flying about as if independent from their body. It's so ridiculous. It's not an amusement park ride for fuck's sake. You're supposed to be working against a little resistance so you're actually getting a workout! And it's not just one chick. It's a bunch of them.
Also, it's really not fair to use the only elliptical machine we have for an hour and a half at one time. ESPECIALLY when you're really not getting a true workout because you have the resistance set on zero. Ya'll look like goddamn Olive Oyls. Bitches.
The guys who come up just to use the weights and then strut over to the water fountain between every set.
*Lift, lift, lift, lift. Walk to water fountain. Sip. Walk back to weights. Lift, lift, lift, lift. Walk back to water fountain. Sip. And so on.*
Stupid full-of-themselves muscleheads.
The random assholes that come up to the workout room just to take a huge, stinky shit in the workout room bathroom which then wafts through the whole space, or those who seemingly come up just to watch whatever is on the T.V. I had a guy in there a couple weeks ago who just stood there and watched the football game THE WHOLE TIME I was working out. I came thisclose to punching him in the neck.
The people who don't sweat. I hate you.
You can't miss me at the gym. I'm the guy who looks like I just had two and a half buckets of water dumped over my head. Hi there! I'm a sweathog! Hi!!
The people who leave the equipment all sticky. This is just nast. Just because there are no official rules about cleaning up after yourself doesn't mean that chaos and sticky sweat rule. Bitches.
The people who work out in jeans or jean shorts - get the fuck out. In fact, if you're in jean shorts period just do everyone a favor and take a nice, long nap in your running car in a closed garage.
OH! Zing!
The television I'm subjected to. With guys it's always got to be sports. Or SportsCenter.
With chicks, god only knows what you may be subjected to.
Some of the shows women at the gym have worked out to: Grease II; Friends; Everybody Loves Raymond; Moulin Rouge; some sort of Lifetime movie that takes place on a mountain and involves a woman endlessly screaming at the top of her lungs while violins screech; The Parent Trap (the L.L. version); and Law & Order reruns…blah! Who wants to watch Law & Order at the gym??
There's only one thing I want to watch, if anything, while I'm working out. The news. Any kind of news. That's it. And I'm using my iPod, so I don't need the T.V. volume cranked up to an obscene, ear-piercing level like all of you do. Bitches.
I could probably go on and on with this list. Honestly, I'm actually only slightly crabby in my everyday life, but when I'm working out I become very easily irritated.
But despite all the potential ways I could be pissed off in a typical workout session I can't stop.
After all, I don't work out because I love it. I do it because I have to – otherwise, I'll be a manatee in about five years when my metabolism finally gives out for good. And my damn genetics dictate that I'm supposed to have a size 40 waist - as you can see below....