Monday, November 14, 2005

notes from the weekend

All right kiddies – I've come roaring back from the brink of death (i.e. my sad, pathetic extended two-week cold)!

Thursday night I must have unknowingly been exposed to some sort of natural gas leak that fucked me up in the head, because I convinced myself that going to JR's for a few 50-cent Bud Lights was a good idea.
As anyone who has been to JR's on 50-cent Bud Light night knows, it actually resembles the deepest, darkest corner of hell. Around 10:00 people start flooding in (where do all these fags/fag hags/dykes/straight-people-who-wish-they-were-gay come from?) and by 11:00 you can't move. There's no way you're going to be able to get a drink in under 15 minutes, it's very hot and smoky and hard to breathe, you're bound to bump into about five ex-hook-ups that you never wanted to see again, and you might as well forget about finding your friends in that madness.
Pros of the night: I got to the gym, finished in time to watch Survivor (bu-bye intelligence-equivalent of a sack of rocks Bobby Jon!!) and made it to JR's by 8:30. So I got a good five beers down the hatch before I had to flee in horror and sweatiness at 11:30.
Cons of the night: Mmm – none really. I even convinced the bartender to give me one of the highly-coveted real-glass glasses instead of setting me up with the lame plastic kegger glass. B. was denied the same treatment. Maybe he needs to start being nicer to people and then he'd get nice, shiny things like I do.
On the other hand, maybe not. His cruel treatment of the mentally and physically-deficient provides me with endless hours of glee.

Friday after work I caught a killer nap, watched Best Week Ever, and then headed out to meet B. It was just one of those lovely evenings where I saw a bunch of my favorite people at the bar, got fairly intoxicated but not wasted or out of control, and got to do some serious flirting with a couple cuties without succumbing to the temptation of a random one-night stand.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not laying off the one-night stands forever or anything like that – duh! - I'm just playing it cool for a while. Looking for that Mr. Right. Again. You know?
Speaking of that, I hung out with my ex for the first time since we broke up in August. And things were pretty comfortable. He just broke up with the guy he had been seeing since we ended things, so I think he was a little bummed and vulnerable. I really like him a lot and enjoy his company, so I'm glad things are going to be cool between us.
Pros of the night: They were giving away samples of the new Cuervo Dark at the bar. To me, it basically tasted like tequila mixed with fruit punch – which is gross – but I love tequila and it was free!
Oh – and I got a job lead from one of my friends. Apparently, there's a P.R./marketing communications firm located a couple blocks from where I'm working now, run by an older gay couple. Rad!
Cons of the night: I hadn't been out and about at the gay bars for almost three weeks, so I hadn't seen my buddy K. and heard his awful Halloween story. He came out of a gay bar all dressed up in some sort of gay Saran Wrap costume (don't ask – I couldn't figure out what the hell he was talking about), and when he was walking to his car some trash starting yelling offensive things at him from another car. He walked up to the car to confront the people and got bashed in the face with brass knuckles. His front teeth were knocked out and his face was all sorts of fucked-up.
He claims to be OK, but I can't even imagine that happening to me. I feel so bad for him.
Fucking gay-bashers.

Saturday was a beautiful, perfect fall day here in Denver. I got up, ate lunch at Wahoo's, hung at the Tattered Cover for a couple hours, took a little walk, and went to the gym.
I had previously agreed to meet Fuck Buddy at JR's that night. We met up, did a little inappropriate groping, and ended up going to Tracks. Sometimes Tracks is a little annoying and overwhelming for me, but I actually had a really good time that night.
I saw Paul go-go dancing. Looking hot Paul!
We went back to F.B.'s place at closing time and starting messing around on the couch. Just when he had gotten my pants off we heard someone yelling his name from the street. Turns out it was none other than Thom from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and his manager.
I'm still not really sure how they got there – if F.B. knew him from a previous occasion or if F.B. had just approached him at the club or what. I had heard someone say he was hanging at Tracks that night, but I hadn't seen him.
So I ended up hanging with Thom. He is an awesome guy – so witty and funny and sweet.
Yep – I have quite the crush on him. Quite the crush.
We were at F.B.'s until about 6 a.m., then Thom and I caught a cab back downtown. He probably thinks I'm a complete freak because for some reason I started going on and on and on about how much I love Steel Magnolias. He loves it too, but I can get a little too animated when talking about Steel Magnolias.
By the time I got home it was almost 7 a.m. I love staying out late but hate seeing the sun come up. Gives me an icky, I've-gone-too-far kind of feeling.
Pros of the night: Thom.
Cons of the night: Ran into stalker-esque ex-one-night-stand at Tracks. I got him to buy me a shot (and then he goes and buys Tewalka – ugh! is that even how you spell that shit??) which can only be an encouraging sign to an obsesso like him. Couldn't help it. I was broke. Then he tried to kiss me. I fled.

Sunday I slept until about 11:30, then camped out on my couch ALL AFTERNOON watching Gilmore Girls. Uh-huh. FIVE HOURS of G.G. That may have been a bit too much for a G.G. neophyte like me, but at least now I am able to semi-intelligently discuss the ups and downs of the lives of Lorelai and Rory.
I did eventually wander over to Starbucks just to get a little fresh air and some soy latte-action and call Jen, but I was back on my couch by 6:00 for 60 Minutes. Saw the most horrible story on what's going on over in Pakistan post-earthquake. Those people are really in a lot of trouble.
So, yeah. Real productive day.
Pros of the day: Lots of mental relaxation time. And lots and lots of computer solitaire.
Cons of the day: Was forced to watch the preview for Shadows in the Sun, some piece of shit ABC Family movie, over and over and over and over during G.G. commercial breaks. Honestly, I must have seen that preview…let's see, say 5-6 commercial breaks during an hour episode for approximately five hours. Oh my. 25-30 times! Stupid Joshua Jackson. Stupid Shadows in the Sun.

OMG – there are some seriously dark and scary clouds moving into downtown right now. I guess we're in for a snowstorm. Brrrr! Too bad – I've been loving this warm fall we've been having!


Blogger Matt S. said...

Did you see when they had to stick needle directly into that little boy's shin bone on 60 Minutes? I seriously nearly vomited. I felt so bad watching the horrible conditions those poor people are in!

You got to hang out with Thom? Color me jealous, he is so funny and cute!

3:48 PM  
Blogger hot babe said...

Thom is my favorite! He is by far the funniest.

And I can attest to the fact that you sometimes get a little carried away with you Steel Magnolias gushing- Oh noooooooo!

My colors are blush and bashful.

Yeah, he's a real gentleman. I bet he takes the dishes out of the sink before he pees in it.

You know I love you more than my luggage.

Oh, lord, I could go on & on.

4:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I KNOW! I'm really crazy about him too, and now I'll probably never see him again. If only I hadn't been so drunk I would probably remember more of the time I spent with him.
*sigh* This weekend I'm not drinking at all!

10:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks!! ::blush::

7:59 PM  

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