Thursday, January 12, 2006

notes from the weekend

I was watching Sex and the City on TBS Tuesday night, and couldn't help but think that it was a real coincidence that they were showing the "pearl necklace" episode. You know, the one where Charlotte finds out what the "other" pearl necklace is. Why? Because I got one this weekend! Argh! Ouchie-poo. Grrrrr!
There's a guy that I've had a crush on for about half a year now, but he's on-again/off-again dating one of G. and I's good friends. Well, in a drunken stupor he kissed me and propositioned me for a three-way last Friday night. But, being the stand-up guy that I am I realized that I couldn't get involved in that kind of situation, especially where a buddy is involved.
Well, actually, I only came to that realization after G. brought me back to my senses. I was all giddy and shit. My moral compass is sometimes a little out of whack.
So I made a move on his brother instead. Yes – gay brothers! So hot, right?
Three out of four boys in their family are fags!
But there were two distinct disadvantages to hooking up with this particular guy. First, he was drunk as a skunk. Which leads to the second disadvantage: When he's drunk he gets VERY rough and bitey. I woke up on Saturday with hickies and bite marks all over my neck, shoulders, back, and even stomach. I mean, I remember it being rough and nasty, but not THAT rough and nasty.
He was very apologetic about the whole situation in the morning so I really couldn't be too mad at him, but I've still had to walk around all week looking like I was attacked by a pack of wild monchichis.
Seriously – we had staff photos taken on Monday, and I'm currently downloading all of them and storing them away, and you can see all these nasty yellow bruises and purple bite marks in all my pictures. Good thing I have Photoshop! God. So embarrassing. And it hurt!

So…I know - nasty, but nothing can be done about it now.

The rest of the weekend:
Saturday I saw Brokeback Mountain. I really liked it. And not just because I got to see Jake G. naked. I thought it was a really sweet, beautifully filmed story. I didn't cry, but I got teary-eyed. Then I hit JR's late-night for a couple beers.

Sunday I went to Wahoo's for lunch, read at the Tattered Cover for a couple hours, then went to my firm's interior architect's graduation party at swimclub 32. I'd never been there before. It's very nice. And the booze and food were free. Which is even nicer.

Other random junk:
Yesterday I was at the gym, and right at the end of my workout my iPod froze. Like, I was skipping through songs and it got stuck on one and then just sat there – frozen. I couldn't get it to do anything. I couldn't even get it to power down. And I started freaking out because if I lose my iPod then I lose a little bit of Matt. Luckily, after it ran out of juice around 10:00 p.m. it shut down manually and after I recharged it, it seemed to be O.K. Has anyone ever had this bullshit happen to their iPod before? I've only been using the damn thing for about eight months! Shenanigans!

I feel as if my gay stock is rising, which makes me very happy. I've been making a concerted effort to work on my gay friendships, which as it turns out is much harder than I thought it would be, but as of right now I've been invited to three gay-boy parties and one gay-boy dinner party in the next few weeks. Nice. My 20s were all about sleeping with as many gay men as possible, and now I want my 30s to be about making good friends with as many as possible. Well, while still having a reasonable amount of sex, of course. *cough cough*

BR-AV-O Lost! Bravo.
I'm so glad Lost is back and it was friggin' good too! Um, Eko? Yum! Love those bad-boy-killers-turned-fake-priests with huge pecs! Charlie back on heroin? Yes please! Kate and Sawyer starting off with a shirtless haircut, and potentially bumping uglies very soon? Uh-huh. Yep.

Oh – and I finally heard from Tex! I ended up drunkenly texting him on New Year's Eve and he wrote back earlier in the week saying that he had been in the Caribbean for a couple of weeks. He's hopefully going to be back in Denver in the next month or so. Hee hee. Trust me – I'm keeping my expectations extremely realistic, but I'm so excited to see him!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"but I've still had to walk around all week looking like I was attacked by a pack of wild monchichis."

Monchichis... LOL

As for the Ipod, yeah, it sometimes does stuff that you don't want it to, and it usually happens when it is being jostled about. I know they say that there are no moving parts or whatever, but ipod is a finicky bitch, it likes to sit still. Mine has done that once or twice, and is usually at the gym. If it is working fine now, I am sure you are good. Also, if anything happens within the first year, send it back to apple! They will fix it!

12:14 PM  
Blogger Matt S. said...

you lost me somewhere around GAY BROTHERS! Yum, oh the things I could do with them!

1:30 PM  
Blogger hot babe said...

You lost me at pearl necklace. Seriously, I couldn't read any further.

If a guy ever did that to me... you think I'm scary mad when I'm "Weekend Jen" well, you ain't seen nothin'.

10:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you download an Ipod updater from - that should work. That happened to me last month and one of the "geniuses" (not kidding, that's what they call themselves) from the Apple store told me to just update the software on the Ipod.

4:22 PM  

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